Shoutbox: [17:03] hardcorerepublic: Danny is the best

Lost Connection @ Decibel Outdoor 2022 Warmup Mix Element vs Kruelty


Submitted by: JurneSleddens @

Length: 00:55:16

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1. Kruelty - Reign Of Terror
2. Element - Gangster
3. Kruelty - Failure
4. The Purge - Beyond Imagination (Element Remix)
5. Criminal Mayhem & Kruelty - Infernal
6. Kruelty - The Sinner
7. DJ Thera & Kruelty - The Watchmen
8. Element - Poppin' (Live Edit)
9. Element - Deception
10. Kruelty & Element - Crush Killer
11. Element - Party & Murder
12. The Purge & Kruelty - Torture
13. Kruelty - Slow Death
14. Element - Fury
15. Kruelty - Deathwish
16. Element - Go Harder
17. DJ Thera - Abuse Of Power (Kruelty Remix)
18. Element - Refuse To Die
19. Kruelty & Criminal Mayhem - Slaves Of Doom
20. Element - Absolute Power
21. Kruelty - Another Kill (BTS Edit)
22. Criminal Mayhem & Element - Dropping Bombs
23. Element - Fake Records
24. Element - Throw 'Em Up
25. Kruelty - Slice Your Eyelids