Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Darklime & Alexandre Fatal @ IndustrialSchranzWeiser The 4th Kind

Industrial Hardcore   Hardtechno   Schranz

Submitted by: darklime.carnage @

Length: 00:47:03

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Axel FD [Darklime & Alexandre Fatal] - IndustrialSchranzWeiser The 4th Kind

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1. Cubic Nomad - Alchemists
2. Fexomat - DiVe
3. Valovoima - Taytyy Pois Paasta
4. Hellboy - one more ugly joke in a kingdom of millions (chaos mix)
5. Loose Tapestries - Spanish Brothers
6. Embrionyc & Cubic Nomad - Houses of god
7. ID (ID - Conforme)
8. N-Vitral - Fix Your Accent
9. Mono-Amine - Democracy Is A Dying Giant
10. OpA Calypse - Invader
11. ZandoZ Corp. - The Female Green Serpent
12. Dark Frequencer - Infantile Witch
13. Cum Sock - Take A Shit On His Face
14. D.Jaques - Drug Music 2
15. Bombardier - Demon (Live)
16. Dark Frequencer - Phase II

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