Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Activator @ Phobia Fear FM


Submitted by: Odyssee @
Last edited by: JurneSleddens @

Rated by: Odyssee Jro_ Pithune chris018 UND3RDRIVE SOULFLY D-zOiiiD Jatoch SilvioAquila SuciF3R Dakpan hostage Nitrogen Nois3controll3r Nego Duruz Josh-T Titatovenaar DfuzionHardstyle TheXQz MartyL Kremer Tunnelgaenger silvernikan lawless29 Smokey Typh Jubka Q-Sonic Deltasnol x117xAnthraX Luz Spikey Simfonik ThaMaster Da_Pauli PhresiF WeAreThePeopleRFC Maclaw B. knarfieboy deadpool B.A.S.H EvilBurny Dev K-Cin stefan88pt Holephet Phenomenon Volturno FaeR Nevio H20 Addicted2Noize Q-DanCe__ Xerxes Vinner kissofdeath T-1 Theekop jecht Maci Speejay Zairon Legolas mag1c_tux Remmbo A-BASS [deleted user] exedll w8rk Mezzox R-Creational dhter speedboot25 eMule fluxyy SilentRob w6rk JohnCove beatfucker Lanoz zum Zephyr Michiel201 Diomede michael079 Speedwayer Deserteagles weevie Khadber Turbii gero Biloute71 geronf1 Opperhoofd harderstyles -3m- sivy kollie loipi steviedoyle technoboyYNWA27 Stokbrood Lake holy Setenza Der-Ully Rown7Z bAsher26 greg4850 b14ckpr0j3ct TuneHunterz View all ratings
Favorited by: Kremer Vinner kissofdeath B.A.S.H michael079 technoboyYNWA27 Volturno holy Lake Setenza b14ckpr0j3ct

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1. Activator - Welcome To The Record Shop
2. Activator - Back In The Days
3. Tatact - Taaac! (Renato Mix)
4. Activator - Authetic Style
5. Zatox & Activator - Oxygen Medley With Behind Blue Eyes
6. Jim Noizer - Reloaded
7. Zatox Meets The R3bels - Choir
8. Activator - Kick My Brain
9. Tat & Zat - Proud To Be Loud
10. Activator - Lullaby
11. ID (ID)
12. Zatox & Activator - Freedom
13. R3zonance - The Weapon (Zatox & The R3bels Remix)

Vinner -
Music Is My Weapon
Lekker setje..

06. ID  :w00t:
R3zonance - The Weapon (Zatox & The R3bels Remix)  :worship:
exedll -
Great Mix!!!!!  :thumbsup2:  :L
R-Creational -
zonder geluid, kom je niet ver
erg lekker setje  :)
01. 03. 04. 07. 10. 11. 12.  :L
dhter -

 :yay:  :worship: dhter
sFM_Craziest -
also called: A-RoxX
06. Deepack - A New Day (Hard Mix)
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 16-08-2009 10:21:23, sFM_Craziest wrote:

06. Deepack - A New Day (Hard Mix)

Wat lul jij
sFM_Craziest -
also called: A-RoxX
On 16-08-2009 12:37:54, Dakpan wrote:


Wat lul jij

?? in english pls  :rtfm:
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 16-08-2009 12:40:24, sFM_Craziest wrote:


?? in english pls  :rtfm:

Did you even heard A New Day (Hard Mix)?  :')
sFM_Craziest -
also called: A-RoxX
On 16-08-2009 12:49:16, Dakpan wrote:


Did you even heard A New Day (Hard Mix)?  :')

yes.. i did :P

and when its not new day.. btw.. wheres ure prob?
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 16-08-2009 12:54:02, sFM_Craziest wrote:


yes.. i did :P

Listen them both again then  :p
sFM_Craziest -
also called: A-RoxX
and when its not new day.. btw.. wheres ure prob?
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 16-08-2009 12:55:28, sFM_Craziest wrote:

and when its not new day.. btw.. wheres ure prob?

sFM_Craziest -
also called: A-RoxX
child  :clown:
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 16-08-2009 12:56:33, sFM_Craziest wrote:

child  :clown:

sFM_Craziest -
also called: A-RoxX
 :beer:  :bye:
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 16-08-2009 12:57:11, sFM_Craziest wrote:

:beer:  :bye:

Vinner -
Music Is My Weapon
On 16-08-2009 10:21:23, sFM_Craziest wrote:

06. Deepack - A New Day (Hard Mix)

 :no:  :no:  :no:
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
06 lijkt me sterk dat het deepack is
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
01. Activator - Welcome To The Record Shop
02. Activator - Back In The Days
03. Tatact - Taaac! (Renato Mix)
04. Activator - Authetic Style
05. Zatox & Activator - Oxygen Medley With Behind Blue Eyes
06. ID
07. Zatox meets The R3bels - Choir
08. Activator - Kick My Brain
09. Tat & Zat - Proud To Be Loud
10. Activator - Lullaby
11. ID  :rtfm:
12. Zatox & Activator - Freedom
13. R3zonance - The Weapon (Zatox & The R3bels Remix)
B.A.S.H -
To weird to live, To rare to die
Does anyone know the name of track 6 yet?!