Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

NRG48 @ Classic Set 40 (1994-1996) It'sTime For The Generator

Oldschool   Techno   Trance

Submitted by: N.R.G. @

Filetype: Lossless FLAC
Length: 01:37:00

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1. D-Jay Lux & Brain Casper - Generator (Original Mix)
2. The Ultimate Seduction - Organ Seduction (IttyBitty, Boozy Woozy Remix)
3. Thomas Schumacher - Ficken (#3)
4. Future Past - After Five (The 5 A.M. Mix)
5. DJ Misjah & DJ Groovehead - X-Pact
6. Fluid - Das Noize (ID Industry Mix)
7. Gigglatron - Slo' Burn
8. Unknown Artist - Trancecentral B
9. Digital Express - The Club
10. The Montini Experience - My House Is Your House (Jon The Dentist Remix)
11. Dave Clarke - Gonk
12. Marco Bailey - Sniff (Remix)
13. Exiter - Trezpazz
14. Marmion - Schöneberg (Kid Paul Remix)
15. Act One - The Mistery Of Music
16. Propionic - Dyphexyl Hydaxtruction
17. Steve Bicknell - Flame In Darkness (Lords Of Afford Remix)
18. Spokesman - Acid Creak (Pierre's Reconstruction Mix)
19. D-Jay Lux & Brain Casper - Generator (Stutter Mix)
20. DJ Misjah & DJ Groovehead - Acid Energy