Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Lekkerfaces @ Throwing Bombs to your Ears Instagram dedicated


Submitted by: gero @
Last edited by: JurneSleddens @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 00:40:14

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Rated by: gero -michaelhughes
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1. E-Force - Seven (Dimitri K Edit)
2. Lekkerfaces - Lekkermashup
3. ASR - Candy Flip
4. The Dark Horror - Mashup #5
5. DJV & Mind Compressor - 6.1.9
6. The Dark Horror - Countdown
7. Lunakorpz - STUREN GVD!!
8. Angerzam - Mashup 1
9. Trespassed & Spitnoise - Hands Up
10. Lunakorpz - Bad Bitches
11. ASR - Advanced Life Forms
12. The Dope Doctor - Mash #4 (Live Edit)
13. Cryogenic - Total Terror
14. ASR - Stand Up
15. FrenchFaces - Radio Oranje (Barber Kick Edit)
16. Estasia vs DRS ft. Starrlight & Madsin - See Them Hatin
17. Hatred - I'm A Beast
18. Lunakorpz & La Casa De Hardcore - L.A.S.T.
19. ASR - Freestyle
20. Cryo - Get Crnk
21. Dark Crusher - Hijueputa
22. DFG - Demonic Face Generator
23. Distorted Voices - Uptempo Mashup 8.0
24. Hell Division - Cyberpunk (Remix)
25. DFG - TeroDemo260
26. DRS vs MBK ft. Madsin - The Cell