Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

10Jonk-T @ Schéma Chaos

Speedcore   Early Terror

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:05:17

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10Jonk-T - Schéma Chaos

"An Apocalyspeedcore mix made wihtout disc"

Rated by: darklime.carnage
Favorited by: darklime.carnage

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1. Dark Frequencer - Telepathic Experience
2. The M.S.P. - Galatea
3. Neurocore - Digital Drugz
4. Middle M - Et Sans Ciel
5. TommY RuleZ -'s Epicore
6. Mr. Porc - Divine Punition
7. The M.S.P. - Galatea (Version)
8. Dark Frequencer - Unexplained Aura
9. 10Jonk-T - Baiseline Trois Sans Toi
10. Mr. Porc - That's Strange
11. La Foudre & Middle M - Atimali Anthem
12. TommY RuleZ - Thrones
13. Somatic Responses - Gama Axon
14. Weapons - Waffen
15. JeRe - Terror Is Legal
16. 10Jonk-T - The Son Of Mme Carmon
17. Passenger Of Shit - Dripping Anus
18. Art Is Anal - Violent Vodoo
19. Mouse - Napimide
20. Fist of Fury - A Tribute To Manifest
21. La Foudre - Morts Ouvriers
22. Nevermind - Tortured Brain
23. Neurocore - No Return
24. La Foudre - Requiem Pour Dimitri K
25. Inner Light - Phantasia
26. La Foudre - Elements