Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Métalloïde @ Gabberdisco Special Mix 01

Rated by: RubberenRobbie hardcorerepublic Dooter

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1. The Speed Freak - Hot New Sensation
2. Chryzis - My Dog Is A Computer
3. Chryzis - The Fresh Nigerian Prince From Outer Space
4. Chryzis - Till Death Do Us Party
5. Chryzis - Your Little Pony
6. DJ Booger Eater - If The Fat Hits, Suck It!
7. Chryzis - Sorry I'm Fresh
8. Chryzis - Anabolic Stereo's
9. Chryzis - Tactile Pulse Insanity
10. The Speed Freak - Little Feb's Space-Adventure
11. Chryzis - You Only Live Twice...So Pump It Up!
12. Dustvoxx & Maidtwist - Hug Dem Loverz
13. Dat Tuig - Magistrale Manouevres
14. DJ Mutante - Big Boner Is Watching You
15. Chryzis - Who's Your Daddy?
16. The Speed Freak - Strong Kanegou
17. The Speed Freak - Muffinkopf
18. Hekteka - Journey Through The 90s
19. HekTeka - LaPaloma
20. HekTeka - Gansehautentzundung

alexvdh -
need for koek : underground
01 - 0:00:00 - The Speed Freak - Hot New Sensation [Gabberdisco 27 - Homeoffice Holiday]
02 - 0:03:09 - Chryzis - My Dog Is A Computer [Gabberdisco 15 - Remedy For Boredom]
03 - 0:05:06 - Chryzis - The Fresh Nigerian Prince From Outer Space [Gabberdisco One-Shot 03 - The Fresh Nigerian Prince From Outer Space]
04 - 0:07:51 - Chryzis - Till Death Do Us Party [Gabberdisco 22 - The Remake Of The Reboot Of The Rise Of The Pumpkin Begins: Origins]
05 - 0:11:39 - Chryzis - Your Little Pony [Gabberdisco 28 - Live And Unplugged High​-​powered Studio Recordings]
06 - 0:15:19 - DJ Booger Eater - If The Fat Hits, Suck It! [Gabberdisco 11 - Revolution No.10 Part 2]
07 - 0:18:38 - Chryzis - Sorry I´m Fresh [Gabberdisco 25 - Under The Underground, Over The Top]
08 - 0:21:31 - Chryzis - Anabolic Stereo´s [Gabberdisco 12 - Put A Roof On Top And Call It An Asylum]
09 - 0:27:29 - Chryzis - Tactile Pulse Insanity [Gabberdisco 18 - Your Monthly Dose Of Cheese]
10 - 0:29:09 - The Speed Freak - Little Feb´s Space-Adventure [Gabberdisco 25 - Under The Underground, Over The Top]
11 - 0:34:02 - Chryzis - You Only Live Twice...So Pump It Up! [Gabberdisco 07 - Cheese-Ball Worldcup]
12 - 0:36:14 - Dustvoxx & MaidTwist - Hug Dem Loverz [Gabberdisco 2nd Floor 02 - Japan Goes Gabberdisco]
13 - 0:38:56 - Dat Tuig - Magistrale Manouevres [Gabberdisco 08 - Everything Else Is Just A Bootleg]
14 - 0:40:39 - Dj Mutante - Big Boner Is Watching You [Gabberdisco 19 - Brain-Melting Studio-Temperature]
15 - 0:46:58 - Chryzis - Who´s Your Daddy? [Gabberdisco 2nd Floor 07 - Baby´s First Cheese]
16 - 0:50:56 - The Speed Freak - Strong Kanegou [Gabberdisco 07 - Cheese-Ball Worldcup]
17 - 0:53:32 - The Speed Freak - Muffinkopf [Gabberdisco 15 - Remedy For Boredom]
18 - 0:56:09 - Hekteka - Journey Through The 90s [Gabberdisco 08 - Everything Else Is Just A Bootleg]
19 - 0:57:55 - HekTeka - LaPaloma [Gabberdisco 25 - Under The Underground, Over The Top]
20 - 1:00:26 - HekTeka - Gansehautentzundung [Gabberdisco 28 - Live And Unplugged High​-​powered Studio Recordings]
alexvdh -
need for koek : underground
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