Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Mindmapper & Fre4knc @ Translation Recordings Mix

Drum & Bass

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:03:52

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Mindmapper & Fre4knc - Translation Recordings Mix - 20.03.2013

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1. Synth Sense - FM Voice Uplink
2. Ghostwarrior - The Gate
3. Mindmapper & Fre4knc - Fenryr
4. Theory - Weirdos
5. Mtwn - Particles
6. Photek - Knitevision
7. Mindmapper & Fre4knc - Mind Of Steel
8. Breakage - Shadow
9. Fre4knc - Vincent Vague (Rob Peters Remix)
10. Amoss - Minus (Hybris Remix)
11. Mtwn - I.E.M.
12. Nuage & THRN - Don't Exist
13. Lovely - The Calm Before
14. Fearful - Tongues
15. Mindmapper & Fre4knc - Dictionary Of Dreams
16. Mutt ft. Kevin King - Conversations (Rene LaVice & Gremlinz Remix)
17. Mindmapper & Fre4knc - Heliocentric
18. Mindmapper & Fre4knc - Shutter Angel
19. Aspect & Gremlinz - Armshouse
20. Fre4knc - Marching Cube
21. Mindmapper - Cell Biology
22. Fre4knc - Glow Worm
23. Fanu ft. Gigi - Abyssinia
24. Mindmapper & Silvahfonk - Oxygen