Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Killout Selective , Dj Lukas & DJ Jeff @ Rockin Chaire Vevey

Early Hardcore
Rated by: SandStorm

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1. The Demoniac - One Two
2. ID (ID)
3. Ferocious - Get On Up
4. The Beatsquad - Roll The Drum (1)
5. The Beatsquad - Miles Of Smiles (Original)
6. DJ Paul - Paul's Nightmare
7. Davie Forbes - V.G.8 (DJ K.2.Mix)
8. ID (ID)
9. DJ Paul - Rainbow In The Sky (DJ Paul's Forze Mix)
10. Ferocious - Listen to Me
11. Davie Forbes - Apocalypse Now
12. Cybermind - Subgabba
13. Cybermind - Cosmical Wave
14. Cybermind - Euphoria
15. Disintegrated Pulse - Cybernode
16. Disintegrated Pulse - Jolly
17. Disintegrated Pulse - Sharpin' Noise

SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
trcklst  :thumbsup:
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
Tracks 4 & 5 are from the same E.P.:

4. The Beatsquad - Roll The Drum is the correct track title
5. The Beatsquad - Miles Of Smiles (Original) -> should keep the (Original) tag as there is also a (Short Version) edit

8. 16:50 sounds so ridiculously close to Q-Tex - Hardcore Science, must be some of their other tracks or by a related artist?