Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Canyonree @ Danger FM Session 3


Submitted by: Canyonree @

Rated by: K-Cin DangerFM mike28 Nastee Jeroeenn Tanic Cosmica reniao Xerxes Nitrogen


01.Angerfist - Shattered Hope
02.DJ D and Endymion - Mortal War
03.Catscan - WO III
04.Ophidian - The Middle Children
05.Endymion - Payback
06.Tha Playah - The Unexplained
07.DJ Mad Dog - Nasty
08.Dj Juanma - Fear
09.Amnesys - Mainstream Nitro
10.Evil Activities - Murder
11.Distorted Revelation - Too Much Pain
12.Tha Playah vs Evil Activities - Imperial
13.Art Of Fighters - Vulcano Action
14.Promo - Different Breed Of Men (Meccano Twins Remix)
15.Neophyte Vs The Stunned Guys - The Soul Collector (Original Mix)
16.Noize Suppressor - Era
17.Promo - The Tablet
18.Unexist Vs Day Mar - KO

K-Cin -
Belgians do it better !
Awesome tracklist mate !  :worship:
Nastee -
On 08-08-2009 10:52:20, K-Cin wrote:

Awesome tracklist mate !  :worship:

K-Cin -
Belgians do it better !
On 08-08-2009 11:07:57, Nastee wrote:



reniao -
geht durch (let´s fetz)  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:
Nitrogen -
It's no problem for me
On 08-08-2009 19:01:33, reniao wrote:

geht durch (let´s fetz)  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:

 :D  :yes: