Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Lomas @ Tomorrows World - The Fly

Early Hardcore

Submitted by: pointlesspoint @
Last edited by: SandStorm @

Length: 00:45:13

More info
Tomorrows World - 24-08-96
Windsor Baths, Bratford
DJ Lomas
MC's: Ribbz, Sharkey


Rated by: SandStorm

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1. R. Wagner - Listen Carefully
2. Wax - Extricate
3. DJ Psykopunk - My Religion
4. Matrix & Wargroover - Do It Now
5. DJ Misjah & DJ Tim - Access (Vocal Mix)
6. Genetic Waste - Genetic Waste (World Premiere Brooklyn Remix)
7. Rage Reset - Chaos
8. Wax - Funny
9. Human Resource - Dominator ‘96
10. The Scrumbleheads - Unbelievable (Oh Oh Omar Mix)
11. Jeremy - Why Don't You Dance (Blub Mix)
12. Rage Reset - Clone
13. Mastervibe - Alienz
14. R Wagner - In Sadness And In Hell
15. ID (ID 32:01)
16. Naughty Boys - 1 2 3 Fuck
17. Mastervibe - Here It Is
18. Rage Reset - Fortex
19. Simon Underground - 666 (Headfuckfast)
20. Delta 9 - Tough Guy

Bedlam -
07. Rage Reset - Chaos
12. Rage Reset - Clone