Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Low Power Circuit @ 90 Minutes Of Madness (A Gabberdisco Journey)

Hardtek   Frenchcore

Submitted by: RubberenRobbie @
Last edited by: SandStorm @

Length: 01:31:45

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A gabberdisco mix I did just for fun and in an attempt to gain inspiration for my own productions related to the genre.

Rated by: SandStorm RubberenRobbie

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1. DJ Mutante - The Slutmobile Delivery
2. The Speed Freak - Does It Matter?
3. The Speed Freak - Nukem Now (Gabberdisco Mutation By Chryzis)
4. The Speed Freak - Perpetuum Mobile
5. Stormtrooper - Just Use A Freakin' Jeannie
6. Stoned Temple Pilot - Marie-Johanna
7. Dat Tuig - Om Te Janken
8. DJ Joint Sniffer - Long Live The Kamikazes
9. Chryzis - My Dog Is A Computer
10. The Speed Freak - Bigger (Gabberdisco Mutation By Stormtrooper)
11. The Speed Freak - Strong Kanegou
12. DJ Mutante - Gotta Go Buy Tobacco
13. His Royal Highness - Now You're Playing With Flower Power
14. Stormtrooper - Rolling Thunder
15. The Speed Freak - Cosmic Gloryhole
16. DJ Mutante - If The Hat Fits
17. The Shapeshifter - ... And Then He Lost It

RubberenRobbie -
1. DJ Mutante - The Slutmobile Delivery
2. The Speed Freak - Does It Matter?
3. The Speed Freak - Nukem Now (Gabberdisco Mutation by Chryzis)
4. The Speed Freak - Perpetuum Mobile
5. Stormtrooper - Just Use a Freakin' Jeannie
6. Stoned Temple Pilot - Marie-Johanna
7. Dat Tuig - Om Te Janken
8. DJ Joint Sniffer - Long Live The Kamikazes
9. Chryzis - My Dog Is A Computer
10. The Speed Freak - Bigger (Gabberdisco Mutation by Stormtrooper)
11. The Speed Freak - Strong Kanegou
12. DJ Mutante - Gotta Go Buy Tobacco
13. His Royal Highness - Now You´re Playing With Flower Power
14. Stormtrooper - Rolling Thunder
15. The Speed Freak - Cosmic Gloryhole
16. DJ Mutante - If The Hat Fits
17. The Shapeshifter - ... And Then He Lost It