Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Intimidator DJ @ Coreform 04


Submitted by: DetonatorGabber @

Length: 01:01:40

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1. Matt Green & Fiend - Focuz
2. Exist - I Feel
3. Dark Intensions & Sasha F - One Shot
4. Stereotype - My World
5. Korsakoff - Bonzai
6. Re-Fuzz - Bury You Alive
7. Stereotype - Scientific Reality
8. Onesimk - Destroying You
9. GridKiller - Underground Riot (Karun Extended Remix)
10. Tha Playah - Stand Up (Extended Mix)
11. Neox - Fame & Shame
12. Lem-X - F@%K T#AT S#!T
13. Tears of Fury - Mechanical (D-Ceptor Remix)
14. Jony K Vs. Usu - I Like Hc
15. Mind Controller - Thats Music
16. Miss Enemy - Bring Me To Hell
17. Deadly Guns - The Fear Inside
18. Lem-X - Rock D Disco
19. Onesimk & PhoeniX - World Of Dogs
20. Tears of Fury - Fck U (Ouija Remix)