Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Hidden Source @ Pumping Bass Vol .1


Submitted by: HiddenSource @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:56:50

More info

Number 6 is the intro of Expressionz with the melody of Sunblast, and I've extended the part with the nu style kicks.

Rated by: DJ-... JohnCove SuciF3R Cazper A-BASS


1: In-Phase Meets Phrantic - Instruments
2: DJ Norman - Killed (Original Mix)
3: Bioweapon Meets Nick Arcane - Ghosts
4: The Mentalists - Tomorrow (Original Mix)
5: Alphaverb - Still Here (AVIO Murdering Your Stereo Mix)
6: Frontliner - Sunblast Expressionz (Hidden Source Mash Up)
7: Nagoom - Elements
8: Headhunterz - Rock Civilization (Hidden Source Loves The Original Intro And Loves The Technoboy's Underground Melody Mix)
9: Dark Oscillators - Food For Woofers (Ivan Carsten Remix)
10: The Pitcher - Titan
11: Zatox Meets The R3bels - Choirs
12: Project 1 - Numbers (Wildstylez Remix)
13: Nitrogenetics - Inside Your Head

Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
8: Headhunterz - Rock Civilization (Hidden Source Loves The Original Intro And Loves The Technoboy's Underground Melody Mix)

 :clown: ... ?
D-Mind -
Je zou er toch eigen tracks bij gooien  -_-
HiddenSource -
Oerend Hard!!!
Gewoon luisteren  :p dan merk je wel wat ik bedoel
HiddenSource -
Oerend Hard!!!
On 03-08-2009 22:42:37, D-Mind wrote:

Je zou er toch eigen tracks bij gooien  -_-

Ja, maar die zijn nog niet ver genoeg af  :(
Tanic -
On 03-08-2009 22:42:37, D-Mind wrote:

Spaghettivreter. LOOOLLLL  :D
HiddenSource -
Oerend Hard!!!
DJ-... Zeg dan wel waarom een - , want anders heb ik er ook niks aan  :-/
Flugeltje -
Wo ist mein Fahrrad?
On 04-08-2009 09:39:52, HiddenSource wrote:

DJ-... Zeg dan wel waarom een - , want anders heb ik er ook niks aan  :-/

Die - achter DJ zegt al genoeg lijkt me  ;). Trek er maar niets van aan.
On 03-08-2009 22:41:47, Pithune wrote:

8: Headhunterz - Rock Civilization (Hidden Source Loves The Original Intro And Loves The Technoboy's Underground Melody Mix)

 :clown: ... ?

 :D  :D  :D  :D
Cazper -
Like the mashups  :thumbsup:
Good job, and good mix.
HiddenSource -
Oerend Hard!!!
On 04-08-2009 15:43:34, Cazper wrote:

Like the mashups  :thumbsup:
Good job, and good mix.

Thanks  :D