Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Vortex @ Extravadance

Early Hardstyle

Submitted by: timfer @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 00:58:24

More info
Kind of low quality, sorry about that. But, this is a very rare set to come across.

Rated by: OldschoolRaver --B-- revers Mako Hansolo Seizure Er_MuReNa McBong alexvdh
Favorited by: alexvdh

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1. Ma-Pe-Ro - My Odissy
2. 4 Navigators - Deep Dada (DJ Vortex & Arpa's Dream Mix)
3. P.V.P. - No Name (DJ Vortex & Arpa's Dream Mix)
4. Rim Shotters - Rock This Party (Vortex Remix)
5. Tatarola & Tatanka - Different Trip
6. Hardrome - BMF
7. Philippe Rochard - Alarma
8. BZRK - Turn Em Up Now (DJ Vortex & Arpa's Dream Remix)
9. Julian DJ & Davide Sonar present Andromeda - Sweet Lullaby (Bruno Power Remix)
10. 2 Explorers - Easy Pleasure (DJ Vortex & Arpa's Dream Mix)
11. Iron Cave Squad - What
12. Max B. Grant - Remax (DJ Vortex & Arpa's Dream Remix)

OldschoolRaver -
minute 45:30 muhahaha very crazy track
set is so a  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:
--B-- -
 :bomb:  :yay:
pointzero -

can someone please reupload this file? Its timed out by Rapidshare.

revers -
No problem  :thumbsup2: (and I have better version - 192kbps)
IMHO this is the best HS set ever!  :yay:
Mako -
Does anyone know the name of the third track?
Audioholik -
03- PVP - No Name (Vortex & Arpa Mix) < best Vortex production ever!

09- Julian DJ and Davide Sonar Present Andromeda - Sweet Lullaby (Bruno Power Remix)
Edited by Audioholik on 26-02-2015 19:54
Mako -
On 26-02-2015 19:53:35, Audioholik wrote:

03- PVP - No Name (Vortex & Arpa Mix) < best Vortex production ever!

Mijn dank is groot.  :thumbsup2:

07. Philippe Rochard - Alarma
11. Iron Cave Squad - What
Seizure -
Early Hardstyle/Core/Trance
Edited by Seizure on 28-02-2015 00:50
Seizure -
Early Hardstyle/Core/Trance
I am a big early hardstyle fan, there are many tracks that I've listening at the moment for the first time, and I love it, thanks for sharing !  :)  :)
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
On 28-02-2015 00:50:16, Seizure wrote:
there are many tracks that I've listening at the moment for the first time

Indeed  :yay: Thank you guys for completing the tracklist  :thumbsup2:
Audioholik -
No problem, good to see there are still some early hardstyle fans!
McBong [Set Editor] -
So much drive and power here  :w00t: