Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Gizmo @ The Lost Rave Tapes Part #3

Early Hardcore

Submitted by: Hansolo @
Last edited by: SandStorm @

Length: 01:18:22
Rated by: The_Sociopath pointlesspoint

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1. ID (ID 00:00:00 (Intro))
2. DJ Gizmo - Shut 'Em Down
3. B.S.E. - Hard Attack
4. ID (ID 00:07:40)
5. Bald Terror - Rotterdam (Darrien Kelly Remix)
6. The Dark Raver & DJ Vince - Intelligent Hardcore
7. Forze DJ Team - 909 Trauma
8. French Connection - French Connection
9. DJ Gizmo & The Dark Raver - We Got The Juice (The Giz & Darkie's '97 Remix)
10. Steve Shit - Commonya'll (Move Ya' Bodies)
11. Human Resource - Fuck Them
12. Bald Terror - Drummachine
13. DJ Norman & DJ Spock - Cypress Dope
14. El Bruto - Hardcore Motherfucker
15. Dr. Z-Vago - Superior
16. Ferry Salee - The Guestlist
17. Ravemasters - Make Me President
18. Track Ball - Mokum Moves
19. DJ Gizmo - The Symphony
20. Wasting Program - Bring That Shit Back (Buzzy Goes BZRK Mix)
21. DJ Buzz Fuzz - Dreamgirl
22. Omar Santana & DJ Delirium - Drop The Beat
23. Dark Destination - Impulsive
24. Miss Groovy - Jungle Sickness
25. DJ Norman - Cypress Dope
26. MD&A - Vinyl Junkies
27. ID (ID 01:15:43)

pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
Tracklist with timestamps. Recording date must be 1997.

Some titles i can't come up with at the moment.

1. ID 00:00:00 (Intro)
2. DJ Gizmo - Shut 'Em Down
3. B.S.E. - Hard Attack
4. ID 00:07:40
5. Bald Terror - Rotterdam (Darrien Kelly Remix)
6. The Dark Raver & DJ Vince - Intelligent Hardcore
7. ID 19:30 might be on
8. French Connection - French Connection
9. DJ Gizmo & The Dark Raver - We Got The Juice (The Giz & Darkie's '97 Remix)
10. Steve Shit - Commonya'll (Move Ya' Bodies)
11. Human Resource - Fuck Them
12. Bald Terror - Drummachine
13. ID 32:40 It's not The Phuckin Death by Trickster...
14. ID 37:00 Nasty Django - HMF remix ???
15. 39:40 sounds like a remix of Lenny Dee & DJ Edge - Alpha 1 ???
16. Ferry Salee - The Guestlist
17. Ravemasters - Make Me President
18. ID 48:00 'can you feel it?' sounds like Gizmo?
19. DJ Gizmo - The Symphony
20. Wasting Program - Bring That Shit Back (Buzzy Goes BZRK Mix)
21. DJ Buzz Fuzz - Dreamgirl
22. ID 01:10:30 most probably DJ Delirium '1, and here come the 2 to the 3 and 4'
23. ID 01:03:20 sounds like Da Grimreaper/Stefan Scheltema 'who's poppin' G?'
24. Miss Groovy - Jungle Sickness
25. DJ Norman & DJ Spock - Cypress Dope (Org. Mix)
26. ID 01:13:20 'motherfucking house'
27. ID 01:14:40 'come on' 'say yeah' might still be track 26
Edited by pointlesspoint on 02-10-2021 16:13
SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
1. ID (ID 00:00:00 (Intro))
2. DJ Gizmo - Shut 'Em Down
3. B.S.E. - Hard Attack
4. ID (ID 00:07:40)
5. Bald Terror - Rotterdam (Darrien Kelly Remix)
6. The Dark Raver & DJ Vince - Intelligent Hardcore
7. Forze DJ Team - 909 Trauma
8. French Connection - French Connection
9. DJ Gizmo & The Dark Raver - We Got The Juice (The Giz & Darkie's '97 Remix)
10. Steve Shit - Commonya'll (Move Ya' Bodies)
11. Human Resource - Fuck Them
12. Bald Terror - Drummachine
13. DJ Norman & DJ Spock - Cypress Dope (Org. Mix)
14. El Bruto - Hardcore Motherfucker
15. Dr. Z-Vago - Superior
16. Ferry Salee - The Guestlist
17. Ravemasters - Make Me President
18. Trackball - Mokum Moves
19. DJ Gizmo - The Symphony
20. Wasting Program - Bring that shit back (Buzzy goes BZRK Mix)
21. DJ Buzz Fuzz - Dreamgirl
22. Omar Santana & DJ Delirium - Drop The Beat
23. Dark Destination - Impulsive
24. Miss Groovy - Jungle Sickness
25. DJ Norman - Cypress Dope
26. MD&A - Vinyl Junkies
27. ID (ID 01:15:43)

Edited some changes  :thumbsup:
pointlesspoint -
Coherent incoherence
Thanks for the additions.

13. NOT DJ Norman & DJ Spock - Cypress Dope (Org. Mix)
25. definately DJ Norman & DJ Spock - Cypress Dope (Org. Mix)
Edited by pointlesspoint on 06-10-2021 19:15
SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...