Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Eratik @ Hard Of Hearing

Early Hardcore   Early Terror

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: SandStorm @

Filetype: VBR MP3
Length: 00:28:40

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Eratik - Hard Of Hearing

"Vinyl mix, recorded without monitors, so if it's somewhat messy, that's why.
No HoH releases were included in this mix."

trcklst frm gbbtrcklstwrld

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1. The DJ Producer - Signal Confirmed
2. DJ Yubba - Acousta
3. The DJ Producer - Get Retarded
4. Hellfish vs Producer - Do Ya Like?
5. Technological Terror Crew - Purity Of Oblivion
6. The Leathernecks - Leathernecker
7. ID (???)
8. DJ Dano - Ooooooooh Shit (Shit'E' Brooklyn Mix)
9. The Leathernecks - Dogshit
10. Material Arts - Fleisch
11. Micropoint - Mental Piercing
12. SpeedyQ's - Reactor (No Love Mix)
13. SpeedyQ's - Kick That B