Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Basher & Dj Pir @ Xtra Raw & Uptempo Raw Mix February 2021 #2


Submitted by: bAsher26 @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:44:41
Rated by: dhrrob

View as plain text


1. NRK - Bassface
2. Killshot - Horrowshow
3. Malice & Krowdexx ft. Luca Lee Josh - BLACK ANIMA
4. Mutilator & Sickmode - Just A Game
5. Arzadous ft. Kelly B - Fuego
6. Invector - Crashing Down
7. Cryex - Never Be Alone
8. Villagerz & Eternate - Bass Addict (Matzic & Svane Remix)
9. Vasto - Lost In Space
10. Kronos ft. Last Word - Warzone
11. Celestial - After Life
12. The Machine - Amongst The Storm (NRK Edit)
13. Malice & Re-Mind - N.S.G. (Malice Live Edit)
14. KickRolls - Executing
15. The R3bels - Pattern 2
16. So Juice & Deezl - Can't Break Us
17. Bloodlust ft. Carola & Livid - The Assassins
18. Deadly Impact - Honor
19. Dope The Noise & Rxmpage - Industrial Tendencies 2019
20. OVN - Dawn Howler
21. Invector - Crashing Down
22. Visard - DRKNSS
23. HIDUP - Super High
24. Rebelion - Bomb
25. Warface & Titan - Sentinel (NRK Edit)
26. VR - Lost It (MIR Remix)
27. Rejecta - Followed (X-Evolucion Edit)
28. Armin van Buuren - This Is A Test (Reaper Hard Edit)
29. EQUAL2 & Tomsku - Close To