Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Beterror @ Audioexploitcast 89

Drum & Bass

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: WAV
Length: 01:00:30

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Audioexploitcast #089 by Beterror

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1. Alt.Face - Medicine Work
2. Masheen & Kano - The Void
3. Razat - Shakes
4. Encode - Aught (NU4M Remix)
5. Optiv x CZA x Inward x Hanzo x Randie - Third Kind
6. Narxy One - Reticule
7. Beterror - Consistency Of Error
8. Hostage - Raven
9. Masheen - Vertigo
10. Beterror - Por Bastardos
11. Beterror & DiMAN!X - Scared
12. DLR - Don't Make Sense
13. Maniatics - Fight The Might
14. Magnetude - Signals
15. High Rankin - The Rat
16. Culture Shock - Bunker
17. Neonlight - Triple B (Black Sun Empire Remix)
18. Ozma - Iron Hammer
19. Abstractnoia & Beterror & Dyslexia - Oruzhie
20. Xeomi & Kaiza - Innocent
21. Dextems - Hidden Path (Allied Remix)
22. Beterror & Alt.Face - Nonsense
23. Raiden - Genex
24. Total Science - Squash
25. Acid Diaper - Get Hard
26. ID (Alt.Face - ???)