Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Iridium vs. Nagazaki @ Superbad MIDI Breaks Hardcore Radio 022


Submitted by: Hansolo @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Length: 02:01:41

More info
- Iridium VS Nagazaki (Prototypes Records) from FR -

Iridium was born in the end 2016, these french djs and producers wants to bring a new style of brutal Hardcore.
Influenced by Electronic Music in general, they blend hardcore and violence with drum & bass, crossbreed, dubstep, trap, hardtechno ... The Metal culture is also omnipresent, it gives the power from massive drums and riffs.
Masked like Predator they came from a new universe for powerful live shows. A medley of mix, live & instruments with a powerfull e-guitar on stage.
Expect to see a high tempo range and skills.

Nagazaki is a french industrial hardcore DJ/Producer.
He is mainly producing at 175bpm, influenced by breakcore, dubstep, schranz and neurofunk.
His own style is a mix between strong and filth hardcore kickdrums with a lot of breakbeats, kick variations, and vocals from video games / movies / tv shows / poetry.
But on stage there is no BPM limit.
Nagazaki delivers a powerfull and eclectic DJSET. From the darkest drum & bass tracks to the most crazy breakcore tunes.
One thing to remember : "In amen breaks I trust".