Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Kreislaufstörung @ Uptempo Is Shittempo HSR Radio Edition

Speedcore   Splittercore

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: WAV
Length: 00:59:20

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Rated by: Leback Darksound

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1. The M.S.P. - Nuuk Is A Haunted City
2. Neurocore - Le Ballet Lumineux Des Profondeurs
3. iGoA - Eis
4. Kreislaufstörung - Into Space
5. Ondes Cycliks [Deus Ex Machina] - anicroche
6. Tachyon - Who's The Fucking Who
7. pFp - Emotional Sickness (Cynoirb-me Remix)
8. Nekrodeth - Guitar Fucker
9. Vojeet - Taetilaer eid tsi sied (Absturz Version)
10. Braindestruction Asibande - Ahh...Sie!
11. Nekrodeth - Durchgefickt & Abgestochen
12. Kreislaufstörung - Kurztrip
13. Desorder - Hellakopter
14. Desorder - Death Angel (Kreislaufstörung Remix)
15. Kreislaufstörung - Destruction

Leback -
1. The M.S.P. - Nuuk Is A Haunted City
2. Neurocore - Le Ballet Lumineux des Profondeurs
3. iGoA - Eis
4. Kreislaufstörung - Into Space
5. Ondes Cycliks[Deus Ex Machina] - anicroche
6. Tachyon – Who's The Fucking Who
7. pFp - Emotional Sickness (Cynoirb-me Remix)
8. Nekrodeth - Guitar Fucker
9. Vojeet-Taetilaer eid tsi sied (Absturz Version)
10. Braindestruction Asibande - Ahh...Sie!
11. Nekrodeth - Durchgefickt & abgestochen
12. Kreislaufstörung - Kurztrip
13. Desorder - Hellakopter
14. Desorder - Death Angel (Kreislaufstörung Remix)
15. Kreislaufstörung - Destruction