Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Basher & Dj Pir @ Xtra Raw & Uptempo Raw Mix November 2020


Submitted by: bAsher26 @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:32:05
Rated by: dhrrob

View as plain text


1. Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Lalalalala (High Level Remix) (Sickmode Edit)
2. Nivirio - The Ghost (Barber Bootleg)
3. Aversion & Cryex - Concentrate (2020 Edit)
4. CarNaX - Phoenix
5. Bloodlust - Smash Your Brain
6. Uncaged - Whatever It Takes
7. Qriminal & Jacko - Pass The Bottles (2020 Edit)
8. The Purge x Fraw - Worlds Collide
9. Mixturez - X.T.C.
10. 2Facez - D.B.C.
11. Psychopathics - Dark Church
12. Sephyx & Firelite - Into The Light
13. The Straikerz & Deezl - Play That Shit
14. The Purge x Sickmode - Right Now
15. ARYEX - Into You
16. Riot Shift - Machinery
17. Sparkz & MC Dwolf - The Tribute
18. Psychopathics - Domination
19. Bloodlust - Samurave
20. Kloon - Dropping Flames
21. Gas On It - Gas On It