Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Mind Compressor @ Kasperkast Episode #4


Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @
Last edited by: -michaelhughes @

Length: 00:50:43
Rated by: -michaelhughes
Favorited by: -michaelhughes

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1. Thyron - Hate Me (Live Edit)
2. The Straikerz & eDUB - Break It Down
3. N-Vitral & Dither - Crush Them
4. Mind Compressor - Kickin' Hard
5. Deadly Guns & Dither - Sick In The Head
6. N-Vitral - Start A Riot
7. Mind Compressor - Speaker To The Ground
8. D-Fence & Mr. Hyde - Snoeien
9. Mind Compressor - Take Me Out
10. ID (ID (Demolition man))
11. F. Noize - The Mask
12. Spitnoise - Semi Automatic
13. Mind Compressor & The Dark Horror - Coke Boy (Deadly Guns Edit)
14. ID (ID)
15. DJV & Mind Compressor - 6.1.9
16. Mind Compressor & Miss Enemy - Blast
17. Mind Compressor - Beats Knocking
18. Deadly Guns - Killer Heart
19. Scarphase - I'm The Greatest
20. GPF & Mind Compressor - Spaghetti Love (Mizz Behave Remix)
21. Bulletproof & F. Noize - Dancing In The Dark
22. Furyan - Kokeen (Angerzam Remix)