Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Pearsall @ The Dying Light


Submitted by: Pearsall @
Last edited by: Maximumraver @

Filetype: VBR MP3
Length: 01:12:13

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Rated by: Rum-P OldschoolRaver Loony yobi33
Favorited by: OldschoolRaver

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1. Dominators - Future Is Now (Jet-Set Mix)
2. DJ Randy - Pandomia
3. Signum - In Progress
4. Christopher Lawrence - Ride The Light
5. Paul Gaarn - Rise Above Me
6. Cores - Iowa
7. DJ Merlyn - Nagus
8. Blade Attack - Seelenwandler (Junk Project Remix)
9. Shimmon & Wolfson - Evil Queen (Full Force Mix)
10. Brain 20 - Acid Motherfuckers (Junk Project Remix)
11. The Combat Force - Combat Assault (Original Force Mix)
12. Paul van Dyk - A Different Journey To Vega
13. Gravital Force - File003.tmp
14. Sybren Danz - Dynamic Injection
15. Phil Reynolds & Mark Richardson - Supernova
16. Traction - Assault
17. Nuw Idol - Satann
18. Jon Doe - NRG 2002

Pearsall -
I found this old mix of mine last week, so I've uploaded it to my website and written up a short essay, which is located here:

This one's for you OldschoolRaver  :thumbsup:
Opperhoofd -
07. DJ Merlyn – Nagus (Tracid Traxxx)

OldschoolRaver -
On 27-07-2009 12:28:03, Pearsall wrote:

I found this old mix of mine last week, so I've uploaded it to my website and written up a short essay, which is located here:

This one's for you OldschoolRaver  :thumbsup:

 :L  :L  :L  :L  :L  :L  :L  :$  :$  :$  :$
its must be good
the right year ,the right dj , the right tracks
big thx big thx  :beer:  :beer:  :beer:  :beer:  :beer:

i wanna see you live on a club
comes you on germany
have you some gigs in north germany  xD?
Pearsall -
well, if you could convince a promoter in Germany to bring me over I'd be more than happy to come over and bang out some old skool acid trance!  :w00t:
Loony -
Big Dawg
whats the deal with your essay???

Part of a subculture??? for me subculture has nothing to do with it, its all about the music.

Why would you rant and rave about artists selling out like Tidy Trax when you just don't like the tracks they have released, because thats what makes people say they have sold out in the first place (like many people on this website complaining about the major Hardstyle labels & Artists). It all starts with a few bad tracks then they have automatically sold out & become a target because of this. Thats just Madness. Every aspect of live changes & the music industry is no different.

There is an easy way around this though, enjoy the music you like and don't over analyse the music you don't. There is an upside to this aswell  :p you'll live longer.

I agree with this though "Having said all that, you still couldn’t pay me to listen to DJ Tiesto all night" but thats only because he's is overrated in my opinion because he makes crap tracks.

Are you from scotland? How old are you?
Pearsall -
I was talking about when I was younger and used to rant and rave on message boards about people selling out. I don't do it any more!

You know how it is, someone gets a bit of success, and then 'purists' bang on about them being 'sellouts'.  ;)

I don't see the harm in it, though, it's all part of growing up. I'm a 28 year-old American, but I lived in Edinburgh for a few years when I was younger.
Loony -
Big Dawg
On 27-07-2009 17:16:18, Pearsall wrote:
You know how it is, someone gets a bit of success, and then 'purists' bang on about them being 'sellouts'.  ;)

Yeah, there's loads of them on this website.

The only person I have a little rant about is Scot Project, not for selling out but because he changed his style from Hard Trance to Techtrance.