Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Viktor Gambon @ TDC Presents Dark Techno Sessions Part 04


Submitted by: hamdj @
Last edited by: hamdj @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:40:05

More info
It's monday and we all have the blues.
So after an heavy, long and hard weekend it's time for something to chill to the max.
So it's time again for an Dark Techno set from Viktor Gambon.

TDC Proudly Presents: Dark Techno Sessions

This sideshow offers you the best of the best Dark Techno.
Hard pownding hypnotising beats at a slow BPM.
Realy nice to chill with after an weekend of brutal hardcore!

Chill out, lay back and relax with this set.
Or dance on the tables, like no one is watching.
Do what you want, it's your life.
You make the rules. No limits no boundries.

(Viktor Gambon is the Techno alias of TDC Resident HAMdj)

Artist Page:
- @hamdj

Rated by: hardcorerepublic

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1. Ethan Fawkes - Barrel
2. Electronic Mind Expansion - Chain Reaction
3. 14Anger - The Lost Path (Flash-X Remix)
4. Ethan Fawkes - Surtension
5. Charlotte De Witte - Remember
6. Dario Sorano & DKult - Solar
7. Dark Ng & Greg Denbosa - Atmosphere
8. Dast - Raggio Di Luce
9. Industrialyzer - Balanced Motions
10. Ethan Fawkes - Bring Me That Bass Back
11. Perc - Foto Real
12. Drumsauw - Synergy (Vale Of Tears Remix)
13. Drvg Cvltvre - Bunkerpunch
14. Hiroaki Iizuka - HH2
15. Stranger - One Day
16. Remco Beekwilder - Planet Moria
17. Industrialyzer - Moonstone
18. Mindwalker - Sulphuric Particles
19. Perc - Negative Space
20. 14anger & Dep Affect - Evasive Crapspeak ([KRTM] Remix)
21. Rebekah - Anxiety
22. Ghost in the Machine - Funnel Vision
23. [KRTM] - Sleepwalker
24. [KRTM] & Ansome - Fiend
25. Ghost In The Machine - Grill Trouble
26. Zoé Zanias - Follow The Body (Agency Body Exit Remix)
27. 14anger & Dep Affect - Eating Alpha Waves
28. D. Carbone - This Is The Beat, Brings You To Paradise
29. Remco Beekwilder - Blurring The Lights
30. Ghost in the Machine - Bells of Steel
31. Remco Beekwilder - Packard Plant
32. Kos - Sub Industrial