Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Christopher Lawrence feat. John 00 Fleming @ Pharmacy Radio Episode 049

Techno   Progressive Trance   Psytrance

Submitted by: MattiX @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 02:00:00
Rated by: MattiX

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  Christopher Lawrence:
1. Jay Lumen - Robots
2. Beico - Bleeding Heart
3. Weska - Lyrebird
4. Weska - Love Arcade
5. Indecent Noise - Acid Rainmaker
6. Dante - Memory Loss
7. Bigmoo - The Afterlife (Exis Remix)
8. Ariel - A9 (Big CMV Remix)
9. Mirok With Disorder & Slivium - Supernatural
10. Neutrino - Atoms & Particles
11. Massimo Santucci - Earth & Space (Analogue Dream Uplifting Version)
12. Lifeforms - Spells
13. Sonic Entity - Elysian
14. Altered State - Imagination
  John 00 Fleming:
15. Township Rebellion & Ian Urbina - Momentary Victory
16. ID (065:55)
17. E-Clip - Akasha
18. Romina & Franck Dona - No Education (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix)
19. Ninesh Babu - Yama
20. Fuenka - Nevarro
21. SparroX - Rolling
22. Greenjack - Soda
23. Xenia - Beguin
24. A*S*Y*S & Dominik Schwarz - Rage (Dark Techno Mix)
25. MVMB & ALL'IN - Zenith