Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Scot Project @ Luminosity Beach Festival Online Gathering


Submitted by: MattiX @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:01:10
Rated by: MattiX Hansolo

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1. Nikhil Prakash - Momentum
2. Golden Girls - Kinetic (Genix Remix)
3. Genix - Ba55 Camp
4. Etherculture - Puncture
5. ID (11:40)
6. Scot Project - M (Metropolis)
7. Scot Project - S (Outerspace) (D10 Remix)
8. Skysurfer - Colors 2019 (Wavetraxx Remix)
9. Darren Hall - Got 2 Keep
10. Kinetica & Inversed - Amphetamine
11. Dave Steward - Planters Prism
12. Sneijder & Billy Gillies - Rhino
13. Black XS - Il Gato
14. Jan Vervloet VS. DJ Ghost - Super Dry
15. H! Dude - Sexual Destruction
16. Asquith - Rave Till Dawn
17. ID (55:25)
18. Zatox - Let Me See Ya