Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

F. Noize @ Quarantine Podcast 12


Submitted by: Hansolo @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Length: 00:55:53

More info
This is the 12th and second-last Episode of Lockdown - Quarantine Weekly Hardcore Podcast!
Your weekly dose of Hardcore music, proudly hosted by F. Noize.
Next week will be the last Lockdown Podcast and even if the real quarantine is not completly over, is almost time for all of us to restart our normal life, little by little.
The parties will start again next month, with all the security measures/restrictions, but THIS is the moment to stand together and support the movement that we all love, going to parties and supporting the Artists that you loved the most and having a lot of patience! Hopefully this awfull period will be just remembered by this Series of Episodes.
But nevermind!!! Because i recived so many nice messages about the show, i decided to keep doing it but on a Monthly Basis,different name and different concept.
So once again, i wish you all a nice end of quarantine
and enjoy the Second-Last episode of Lockdown!!!
(due to copyright restriction, the full set will be aviable only on Soundcloud and Mixcloud)
If you enjoyed the show Please share and support me on my social Media:

Rated by: The_Sociopath gero

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1. N-Vitral & Dither - Crush Them
2. ID (Furyan - Kokeen (ID Remix))
3. ID (ID (I don't give a fuck bitch))
4. Streiks & Kratchs - Just Fucking Die
5. ID (ID (They love it when I turn up the bass))
6. The Motordogs & MBK - The Legends
7. Maissouille - Frenchcore Cancan
8. ID (ID (Fuck the police, comin' straight from the underground))
9. Partyraiser - Boobytrap
10. DJV & Mind Compressor - 6.1.9
11. ID (ID (Holy shit))
12. Bulletproof - Gladiator
13. Exagon & The Unknown - Fight Back (Romiz Remix) (1)
14. Agressive Noize - Take Drugs
15. Rude Vibes Threesome - N4STY
16. ID (ID)
17. Reboot - Used & Abused (Bootleg 2020)
18. ID (ID (Everybody jump up))
19. ID (ID)
20. ID (ID)
21. Unicorn On Ketamine & MBK - Suavemente