Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

D-Fence @ Dominator 2019 - Rally of Retribution


Submitted by: adv @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Length: 00:30:00
Rated by: -michaelhughes
Favorited by: -michaelhughes

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1. Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours (D-Fence Remix)
2. Crypsis & D-Fence - Vol Gas Met Die Bas
3. Dither & D-Fence - Analoog
4. D-Fence & Deadly Guns - Wall of Basss (D-Fence Kick Edit)
5. D-Fence - Koekoek Jonghuh! (2018 Edit) (1)
6. D-Fence - Krakaka (2018 Edit)
7. D-Fence & Penta - Monsterbass
8. The Prodigy - No Good (D-Fence Mashup)
9. Angernoizer & D-Fence - It Giet Oan (1)
10. D-Fence - Dissed
11. Neophyte & Evil Activities - Alles Kapot (D-Fence Remix - 2018 Edit)
12. Liquido - Narcotic (D-Fence Remix) (1)
13. Endymion - Pussy Motherfuckerz (D-Fence Remix)
14. Greazy Puzzy Fuckerz & D-Fence - Virgin
15. D-Fence & Mr Hyde - Raggen
16. D-Fence & Angernoizer - UFO Piloot
17. D-Fence - E.D.M Test

adv -
Poging tot tracklist:

1. Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours (D-Fence Remix)
2. Crypsis & D-Fence - Vol Gas Met Die Bas
3. Dither & D-Fence - Analoog
4. D-Fence & Deadly guns - WAll of Basss (kick edit)
6. D-Fence - Krakaka (2018 Edit)
7. D-Fence & Penta - Monsterbass
8. The Prodigy - No Good (D-Fence Mashup)
11. D-Fence - dissed
12. Neophyte & Evil Activities - Alles Kapot (D-Fence Remix - 2018 Edit)
w/ DJ Jda - Voel Je Die Bass
14. Endymion - Pussy Motherfuckerz (D-Fence Remix)

After that is too fast for me to know  :p
hardstyl3MF -
15. Greazy Puzzy Fuckerz & D-Fence - Virgin
16. D-Fence & Mr Hyde - Raggen
17. D-Fence & Angernoizer - UFO Piloot
18. D-Fence - E.D.M Test