Rickelicious 1. Delete & Warface - The Baddest 2. D-Verze - Darkening Contrasts (J-Stranger Remix) 3. The Purge - Beyond Imagination 4. Delete & Hardstyle Mafia - Extraterrestrial 5. Malice x Re-Mind - N.S.G 6. Riot Shift - Oblivion 7. Mind Dimension & Kruelty - Obliterate 8. Criminal Mayhem & Element - Dropping Bombs 9. Criminal Mayhem - Ragnarök 10. Mind Dimension - Haters The Purge 11. The Purge - What's that Sound (Live Edit) 12. Malice - Stronger 13. The Purge - Annihilation (Official Anthem) 14. Yellow Claw & Dither - Let There Be Bass 15. Rooler - BOSS 16. Delete - Pulse (Mind Dimension & The Purge Remix) 17. Genox & The Purge - Stand As One 18. The Purge - No Limits 19. Sickmode - L4MB0 20. Mind Dimension - Once Again (Live Edit) 21. The Purge & Ace - Wake Up 22. DJIPE & The Purge - Reset