Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Vandal!sm @ Harder Kan Toch Niet Livestream 4

Hardcore   Early Hardcore

Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Length: 01:01:49

More info
This was Vandal!sm at the HARDER KAN TOCH NIET LIVESTREAM 4.0 in Muziekpodium Azotod

Rated by: gero

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1. ID (ID (We Will Rock You))
2. ID (ID (1 2 3 4 5 6))
3. ID (Geleihoofd sample)
4. MDJ - Hututuh Mashup
5. Spitnoise - Pump Ya Fist
6. Febro - Crash The Party
7. ID (ID)
8. ID (Vandal!sm - ID)
9. Hard Effectz - P#zzy Talk
10. Technohead - I Wanna Be A Hippy (Barber Bootleg)
11. F. Noize ft. Zeta Reticuli - Show N Prove
12. Luminite - Bass Criminal (Angerzam Bootleg)
13. Vextor & Pimkat ft. MC Fixout - Scream (X Mind Remix)
14. Hardbouncer - Maniac Mashup
15. Hardbouncer & MC ADK - Killed By My Kickdrum
16. Trespassed - Uptempo Torture Tribute
17. Febro - Bass Burning
18. Unproven & Barber - Disco Bitch
19. Major Conspiracy - Hit Em
20. Blaster - Out Of Time
21. ID (ID)
22. ID (System Overload Ft. MC Komplex - Boem (ID Remix))
23. X-Mind - Lain Theme
24. ID (Vandal!sm - ID)
25. Angerzam - Mashup 1 (1)
26. YunKe & Drastic - Prepare For Darkness
27. Drokz - Fucking Bullshit
28. ID (ID (You call the cops))
29. Vandal!sm - Fuck It Up
30. Angerzam - Haters Gonna Hate
31. ID (ID)