Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Miss Titanium @ Langste Vrouwelijke DJ Marathon


Submitted by: Miss_Titanium @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Length: 01:00:06

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fb: Miss Titanium
Insta: @miss_titanium.x

Rated by: Weerzinwekkend JurneSleddens Miss_Titanium

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1. Angerfist - Bad Attitude (Deadly Guns Remix)
  w/ Angerfist & I:Gor - Gangsterizm (ID Edit)
2. Inner Rage - Bass Pumping
3. Hardbouncer - Maniac Mashup
4. Spitnoise - Partyraiser Mashup
5. The Dark Horror - Mashup #5
6. ID (ID (What do you want from me))
7. ID (ID (Fucking headbangers))
8. Inner Rage & TukkerTempo - F#ck The Pleasantries
9. Vandal!sm - Trouble
10. ID (ID (Do it for my))
11. Partyraiser vs F. Noize - Superman/La Bomba (System Overload Mash Up)
12. Streiks & Kratchs - Listen Up
13. Chain Reaction - The Record Breaking (Shadow Edit) (1)
14. Tharoza - Chicken Stuffing (Kick Edit)
15. ID (ID (Give me the mic))
16. ID (ID)
17. Hard Effectz - Phase The Mashup 2.0
18. Spitnoise - Just Like That
19. YunKe vs MBK - You Don't Scare Me
20. ID (ID Mashup)
21. ID (ID)
22. ID (ID (Microphone check))
23. Febro - Bass Burning
24. ID (ID)
25. The Dark Horror - Crispy
  w/ The Dark Horror - Thirsty
26. ID (ID)
27. ID (ID (The Qontinent))
28. The Dark Horror - Mashup 4
29. Febro - Knock Knock
30. Basspunkz - Hardcore Night
  w/ MBK - If They Don’t Like Terror (Refix)
31. Scarphase - Scarphase Bass (Cryogenic Remix)