Shoutbox: [22:40] RubberenRobbie: Happy New Year LSDBers  :thumbsup2:  :bday:  (L)

July Mega Mix @ The Hard Axis Show 061 (Fear.FM)


Submitted by: DJsogma @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 02:05:13

More info
HardstylerzUSA and C.A.O.S. member, Ryan Blatt, the king of mashup, composes a debut megamix with the use of over 30 hardstyle tracks all under 30 minutes. Hard Axis challenged listeners to identify as many tracks as possible and the winner gets a free Hard Axis T-Shirt! You can still participate, deadline is the 28th of July. Simply download this show and listen to the instructions on how to win.

Rated by: Nevio TimTim A-BASS Legolas


1st hour: July Megamix / DJ Sogma in the mix

01. Episode 7 / Season 2 (mixed by DJ Sogma)
02. C.A.O.S. - Phobia
03. July Mega Mix (mixed by Ryan Blatt)
04. Abyss & Judge - Combining Forces

2nd Hour: Hard Axis Request Hour mixed by DJ Sogma

01. The Pitcher - I Just Can't Stop
02. The Beholder & Max Enforcer - Be Amazed (Hardbass Anthem 2009)
03. Ran-D & Adaro - My Name is Hardstyle
04. Headhunterz - Scrap Attack (Defqon 2009 Anthem)
05. Technoboy - Ti Siento
06. Headhunterz - Megasound
07. Pavo - Communicate
08. Showtek - Party Lover
09. Danielle Mondello - The Boss
10. Project One - Rate Reducer (Headhunterz Remix)
11. Tatanka pres. J Hiroshy - Showtime (Tatanka Remix)
12. Crypsis - Chaser

DJsogma -
I have always wondered how can someone rate a mix before even listening to it...  :thumbsdown:
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
On 22-07-2009 18:33:10, DJsogma wrote:

I have always wondered how can someone rate a mix before even listening to it...  :thumbsdown:

his rating was nice  :beer:
Nevio -
On 22-07-2009 18:33:10, DJsogma wrote:

I have always wondered how can someone rate a mix before even listening to it...  :thumbsdown:

it's a pre vote, i vote, i listen, i vote again  :yum:
DJsogma -
ahhh i see...  :thumbsup2:
Nevio -
On 23-07-2009 02:59:00, DJsogma wrote:

ahhh i see...  :thumbsup2:

Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
HardstylerzUSA and C.A.O.S. member, Ryan Blatt, the king of mashup, composes a debut megamix with the use of over 30 hardstyle tracks all under 30 minutes. Hard Axis challenged listeners to identify as many tracks as possible and the winner gets a free Hard Axis T-Shirt! You can still participate, deadline is the 28th of July. Simply download this show and listen to the instructions on how to win.

sounds good  :thumbsup2: gonna try it