Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Unresolved @ Quarantaine Mix RSLVD 3 - Uptempo Special


Submitted by: Unresolvedmedia @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Length: 01:06:34

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3rd episode of "RSLVD - QUARANTINE SESSION LIVE" is online right now! 1h+ of the best uptempo hardcore of the moment mixed by Unresolved.

Rated by: Unresolvedmedia julien92600 JurneSleddens Weerzinwekkend gero -michaelhughes
Favorited by: Unresolvedmedia -michaelhughes

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1. ID (Scarphase - The Cocaine Society (DJ Tool) (Unresolved Edit?))
2. ID (ID)
3. Unresolved vs Streiks & Kratchs - Fake Cops
4. Soulblast - Barong Mashup
5. Spitnoise - Bitching
6. Scarphase vs Unresolved - Warcry
7. Unresolved & Andy The Core - Droppa
8. Spitnoise - Pump Ya Fist
9. Unresolved vs Streiks & Kratchs - F#ckin' With The Best
10. Partyraiser & Paul Elstak - Back From The Dead (Streiks & Kratchs Refix)
11. Barber - Mash Fck 1.0
12. UKR Resistance - D.F.W.M.
13. Spitnoise & Hard Effectz - B#TCH
14. Glitch - SMD
15. Spitnoise - The Purge
16. Spitnoise - Puta Madre
17. Barber - Harmony Of Hardcore (Mashup)
18. Spitnoise - Snap Ya Fingers
19. TukkerTempo & The Lethal Sound - Clubbing
20. Barber & FrenchFaces - The Cook 2.0
21. Unresolved - Mashtempo 1.0
22. ID (ID)
23. Mental Penetration & The Victim - More Views
24. Unresolved - Mashtempo 2.0
25. Spitnoise - Mad Man
26. ID (ID)
27. Rizer & Distinction - Vaporized
28. Noisekick - Reaching For The Sky + Hilight Tribe - Esperanza (Dr. Peacock Mashup)