Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

John Askew @ Cuckoo 2nd Birthday


Submitted by: MattiX @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 03:06:08
Rated by: MattiX

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1. Reaky Reaskon - Say My Name (BDSM Mix)
2. Future Disciple - Adventure To The South (Robert Nickson Remix)
3. John Askew - Midnight Oil
4. Three Drives - Greece 2000 (WHITENO1SE Remix)
5. Omega Drive - African Tribe
6. Dylhen ft. Lyonheart - Gravity
7. David Forbes Pres. Hal Stucker - Stars (John Askew Remix)
8. Outside Range & Stereotactic - Game Over
9. Ex-Driver & Mastermike - First Strike (Kiyoi & Eky Remix)
10. Daniel Skyver - Deluge
11. Gareth Emery & Ashley Wallbridge ft. Nash - Vesper (David Rust Remix)
12. John Askew - Chop Salad
13. Safri Duo - Fallin' High (John Askew Rework)
14. Second Sine - Inpanema Girls (John Askew Remix)
15. Tom Rogers ft. Derek Joel - Follow Me Down (Digital Rush Remix)
16. T.M.A. - Warrior's Frizzbomb (Indecent Noise Mash-Up / Warsaw Edit)
17. John Askew - Fuck Private Ryan (John Askew 2020 Remix)
18. Solarstone / Alex Karweit - Breakaway (John Askew Remix)
19. John Askew - On The Rocks
20. Gareth Emery ft. Evan Henzi - Call To Arms (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
21. Ronald Van Gelderen - This Way (John Askew Remix)
22. Mind & Matter - Creativity (Dual Vision Remix)
23. Dave Clarke - The Storm (John Askew Rework)
24. Will Rees - Purple Urkle
25. Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrad ft. Klaus Badelt - Sorrow (Gladiator OST) (Dan Thompson & Beatsole Out Of This World Remix)
26. Rapid Eye - Circa-Forever (Sean Tyas Remix)
27. ID (100:30)
28. ID (103:30)
29. Simon Patterson - Kick Bass Acid Loud
30. Ace Ventura & Animato - Moments Of Ecstasy
31. Iain M & Deirdre McLaughlin - Eternally
32. John Askew - Bastard
33. Johann Stone - Let's See (Sean Tyas Dework)
34. Dustin Husain - HM02 (Fly)
35. Myk Bee - Future Visions
36. ID (137:50)
37. Beatsole - Raindrops
38. Astrix - FeeL.S.D. (John Askew Rework)
39. Stoneface & Terminal & Neev Kennedy - Lost
40. Sean Tyas & John Askew - Unkonscious
41. Philippe El Sisi & A & Z ft. Cari - Wings Of Love (Extended Mix)
42. Steve Brian & Ronski Speed - Viper (Maywave Remix / John Askew Rework)
43. John O'Callaghan ft. Audrey Gallagher - Big Sky (Ben Gold Festival Mix)
44. Mark Sixma - Requiem (Exis Remix)
45. John Askew - Mechanism
46. Push - Strange World (2000 Remake)
47. John Askew - Supersonic (Extended Mix)