Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

F. Noize @ Quarantine Podcast 3


Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Length: 00:50:52

More info
This is the 3rd Episode of Lockdown - Quarantine Weekly Hardcore Podcast!
Your weekly dose of Hardcore music, proudly hosted by F. Noize.

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1. Impulse Factory against DJ Mad Dog - History (F. Noize Bootleg)
2. Neophyte - Braincracking (Crime Scene Edit)
3. MBK - Hurt Locker
4. Spitnoise - Pump Ya Fist
5. Billx & Vandal - Rolling Paper (Hard Edit)
6. ID (Scarphase ft. Skits Vicious - Phase 2 (ID Frenchcore Edit))
7. Abaddon - Issues
8. System Overload - Pedal To The Metal (Insane S Remix)
9. Psiko & Hysta - Lockdown
10. The Dark Horror - Make The Record Skip
11. Scarphase - Coming Like An Earthquake (Bulletproof Remix)
12. Insane S - Don't Talk To The Police
13. Hurricaine & The Dark Horror - Shut Up!
14. Sjammienators - Life's A Bitch (Barber & Frenchfaces Remix)
15. Andy the Core - Steal This (MBK Remix)
16. Distinction & Monkey Bizness - Funky Airlines
17. Abaddon - Don't Give A F#ck (Lunakorpz Remix)
18. Miss Enemy & Chaos Project - Have a Good Time
19. Bloodlust - Imma Boss (Lunakorpz Edit)
20. F. Noize & Chain - Breaking Back (The Motordogs Remix)
21. Chaotic Hostility x F. Noize - Take Notes