Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Foxy @ Technodome 38

Techno   Trance   Hardcore

Submitted by: Foxy2008 @

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1. Demav - Stamina
2. Air Hustlers ft. Colleen Riley - Downtime (Harry Lemon Vocal Mix)
3. Jam & Spoon ft. Plavka - Right In The Night (Johan Gielen Remix)
4. Kyau & Albert - So True (Dan Stone Remix)
5. ID (ID - ID)
6. Giuseppe Ottaviani ft. Tricia McTeague - Only A Heartbeat Away
7. Paul Van Dyk & Kinetica - First Contact
8. Andrea Ribeca - Romaticosm
9. Pnau - Chameleon (Felix R Remix)
10. Scot Project - FM (Feeling Me) (Shugz & David Rust Remix)
11. Marc Acardipane - C.S.W.K. (Original Mix)