Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Ferren @ Oblivian Reloaded 08

Early Hardstyle

Submitted by: DetonatorGabber @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 01:09:42

More info
Oblivian Reloaded is the continuation of the series that ended 11 years ago with the same concept of Early Hardstyle mixed on vinyl (with some digital help). The series are mixed live, no editing and no sync to give the full listening experience.

Pioneer XDJ-RX2
Reloop RP7000MK2
Reloop Black Series
Reloop Tape 2

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1. DJ Duco - In Your Head
2. Max Enforcer - Bring It Down
3. Speedwave - Junior (Hardstyle Masterz Remix)
4. Technoboy - Atomic (King Konga Mix)
5. Dutch Master - Insomnia
6. Gizmo vs Showtek - 3 The Hardway
7. DJ Isaac - Waiting For
8. Children of E - Crack It
9. Luna - Bring That Shit Back
10. DJ Zany - Pillzz
11. Tatanka Project - Tripods Attack
12. Showtek - Puta Madre (DJ Zany's M.I.L.F. Remix)
13. Trilok & Chiren - Destruction
14. Blademasterz - Masterblade