Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Partyraiser @ 3 Hour Quarantine 2020 Mix (Your Hardcore Uptempo Vaccine)


Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @
Last edited by: -michaelhughes @

Length: 03:10:08

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Rated by: Darksound D4RkN3sS JeffreyFCT dhrrob90 HardT3K-Tic hardstyl3MF The_Sociopath GabbaNation luca-s ludolf tsshadow JurneSleddens Weerzinwekkend yean0 NardPeeters julien92600 gero -michaelhughes mihassone
Favorited by: D4RkN3sS dhrrob90 luca-s DrumDJ tsshadow NardPeeters gero -michaelhughes

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1. Partyraiser x Bulletproof x The Dark Horror - Here We Go (1)
2. Noxiouz & Jur Terreur - Baddest Motherf#ckers
3. Spiady - We Be Kickin The Bass
4. ID - Trespassed Mashup
5. Soulblast - XTC
6. Bulletproof - No Mercy
7. ID (F. Noize - Dominator Mashup (DJ Tool 2) + kicks from some MBK tracks)
8. Dimitri K - Fresh New Kicks (1)
9. Glitch - SMD
10. J.D.A. - Voel Je Die Bass (Dimitri K Remix)
11. The Dark Horror - Girls Like That
12. Scarphase ft. Skits Vicious - Phase 2
13. MD&A - Hardcore Will Never Die (Invizbl Remix)
14. ID (ID (Bulletproof Mashup)) (1)
15. Bulletproof - Swing The Hammer
16. Scarphase vs The Motordogs - 1 2 3 Drop
17. Partyraiser vs Streiks & Kratchs - 40's For The Crew
18. ID (The Dark Horror - ID)
19. Dimitri K - Mashup 2
20. Nosferatu & Partyraiser - Street Shit
21. Twins Enemy - Break it Down
22. Major Conspiracy x B-Cage - Feel This Inside
23. Greazy Puzzy Fuckerz - Greazy Fuckdrum (N-Vitral Fuckup) (Partyraiser Edit?)
24. Partyraiser & Bulletproof - The Dark Elements (Ground Zero 2019 Anthem)
25. Hard Effectz - Back The F#ck Up
26. ID (System Overload & MC Komplex - Boem (ID Remix))
27. DJ Ike & Billy Nox - King Of The Divan
28. ID (ID)
29. Partyraiser - G-Town Madness (Mashup)
30. Insane S - Smeared Brain
31. ID (ID (we don't give a fuck))
32. Dr. Peacock & Partyraiser - Trip To Holland (Kick Edit)
33. Partyraiser & Scrape Face - Dancing On Your Grave (Partyraiser 2019 Remake)
34. Wakizashi & Loud Carnage - 1, 2 F@ck You
35. Velucinate & Sedutchion - Spacegladiator
36. DRS vs Andy The Core ft. Da Mouth Of Madness - Criticize
37. Partyraiser & Bulletproof ft. Skits Vicious - The Snakepit (Snakepit 2018 Anthem)
38. Insane S - Messed Up Vision
39. Dimitri K - Thunderdome Mashup
40. TukkerTempo - My Name
41. The Prophet - Wanna Play (Lunakorpz Bootleg)
42. Tukkertempo vs The Lethal Sound - Clubbing
43. Partyraiser & Destructive Tendencies - Sound Becomes Two
44. Cryogenic & MBK - I Am The MotherFcking Who Drop Bombs (MBK Rekick)
45. YunKe & Drastic - Prepare For Darkness
46. The Dark Horror x Yunke - Dance Like That
47. Scarphase vs Negative A - Hip To Da Hop
48. Bulletproof & Lady Dammage - Paperback
49. Scarphase - Phase One (Nosferatu Remix)
50. Lunakorpz - Turn Up!
51. Bulletproof - Gladiator (MBK Refix)
52. Partyraiser & Bulletproof - Coco's Revenge
53. Lunakorpz - Rockstar
54. Mind Compressor & Miss Enemy - Blast
55. Insane S - The Madness
56. Scarphase vs N-Vitral presents Bombsquad - Crack Smokers
57. Vandal - Rolling Paper (Lunakorpz Bootleg)
58. Partyraiser & MBK - Destroy The Subs
59. YunKe vs MBK - You Don't Scare Me
60. The Dark Horror - Crispy
61. E-Force - Seven (Uptimpo Kick Edit Mashup)
62. Mind Compressor - Around The Place
63. Reboot - Wanna Know
64. ATC - Around The World (YunKe Bootleg)
65. Scarphase vs Unresolved - Warcry (System Overload Remix)
66. TukkerTempo - Party
67. N-Vitral & Cryogenic - The Best
68. ID (ID)
69. Abaddon - Don't Give A F#ck (Lunakorpz Remix)
70. ID (ID (The Chop Show, Don't [Do Drugs], Scarphase MOH Tool) F.Noize Mashup)
71. Lunakorpz - Hard Knock Life
72. Distorted Voices - Snakepit DJ Tool
73. Bulletproof & Partyraiser - Bonnie & Clyde
74. Lunakorpz - 0pen Up!
75. Major Conspiracy & The Lethal Sound - Calcify
76. N-Vitral ft. Aux Raus - Getverherrie (Distorted Voices Edit) (1)
77. Scarphase - Scarphase Bass (Cryogenic Remix)
78. Dimitri K - First Of The Year (Bootleg)
79. ID (ID)
80. Scarphase ft. Nick Nicolai - Ik Leef Voor Hardcore
81. Soulblast - Serial Killer
82. Bulletproof & F. Noize - Dancing In The Dark
83. Kurwastyle Project - My Way Or The Highway

Tobi94 -
84. Kurwastyle Project - My Way or the Highway
-michaelhughes [Set Editor] -
3 hours of madness!  :yay: