Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dj Raf @ The Creeping Death Mix

Early Terror

Submitted by: Hansolo @
Last edited by: Hansolo @

Length: 01:05:40
Rated by: Hansolo

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1. Mortified Rage - San Diego Gabber
2. Industrial Terror Squad - Nightmare
3. DJ Tron - Zombie (Die Slowly)
4. The Blade Runner - Get Yours
5. Headcrash - FFM Panic
6. Suicide Squad - Ruined
7. The Shaftmen - Shaftman (Delta 9 Remix)
8. Industrial Terror Squad - Can't Truss Em
9. Delta 9 - Headstrong (Full On Remix)
10. The Berzerker - Koala, Fish, Mutant, Bird
11. U.V.C. - Half Dead
12. Siege & Menace - The Plague
13. DJ Tron - Monster
14. Disciples Of Annihilation - Brooklyn Mob
15. S37 - Frontal Attack Posse
16. Nasenbluten - Machete
17. U.V.C. - Death Is...
18. Drokz, Tails & Akira - Machomusic
19. DJ R.Shock - Harbinger
20. Headcrash - Hardcore M.F.
21. Pressurehead - Effects Of Pressure Pt.2
22. Delta 9 - The Hate Tank
23. Ec8or - Raving Hypospadie
24. Xylocaine - Mincedmeat
25. The House Fucker - Eardrums
26. KCMA & T-Plus - This Is The Past
27. Angel Flo / Armaguet Nad - Anthroporadiametrie - khsl001.⅔
28. Noize Creator - Psychic Punk
29. Syndicate - The Psycho
30. Syndicate - Compton
31. Nukom - Raise Your Hands
32. F.U.H.D. - Serial Killers
33. Donatella Rettore - Kobra

Bedlam -
??? Intro
Mortified Rage - San Diego Gabber - NNS 01V
Industrial Terror Squad - Nightmare - IS043
DJ Tron - Zombie (Die Slowly) - BNG001
The Blade Runner - Get Yours - BL011
Headcrash - FFM Panic - TEST 3
Suicide Squad - Ruined - IS046
The Shaftmen - Shaftman (Delta Nine Remix) - IS032
Industrial Terror Squad - Can't Truss Em - IS043
Delta 9 - Headstrong (Full On ReMix) - ISL 3
The Berzerker - Koala, Fish, Mutant, Bird - BL008
U.V.C. - Half Dead - IS042
Siege & Menace - The Plague - IS045
DJ Tron - Monster - WAR004
D.O.A. - Brooklyn Mob - IS037
S 37 - Frontal Attack Posse - B CHUD 02
Nasenbluten - Machete - IS044
U.V.C. - Death Is... - IS042
Drokz, Tails & Akira - Machomusic - CUNT 003
DJ R.Shock - Harbinger - VIOLENT 7
Headcrash - Hardcore M.F. - TEST 8
Pressurehead - Effects Of Pressure Pt.2 - SURG 003
Delta 9 - Hate Tank - DBN024
Ec8or - Raving Hypospadie - DHR 8
Xylocaine - Mincedmeat - KILLIT 25
00:47:45 - ??? HCM?
00:50:15 - ???
00:52:40 - ??? Well known?
Noize Creator - Psychic Punk - SURG 004
Syndicate - The Psycho - JR000110
Syndicate - Compton
Nukom - Raise Your Hands - BL007
F.U.H.D. - Serial Killers - BL012
01:13:45 - ???

ID Intro
Mortified Rage - San Diego Gabber
Industrial Terror Squad - Nightmare
DJ Tron - Zombie (Die Slowly)
The Blade Runner - Get Yours
Headcrash - FFM Panic
Suicide Squad - Ruined
The Shaftmen - Shaftman (Delta Nine Remix)
Industrial Terror Squad - Can't Truss Em
Delta 9 - Headstrong (Full On ReMix)
The Berzerker - Koala, Fish, Mutant, Bird
U.V.C. - Half Dead
Siege & Menace - The Plague
DJ Tron - Monster
D.O.A. - Brooklyn Mob
S 37 - Frontal Attack Posse
Nasenbluten - Machete
U.V.C. - Death Is...
Drokz, Tails & Akira - Machomusic
DJ R.Shock - Harbinger
Headcrash - Hardcore M.F.
Pressurehead - Effects Of Pressure Pt.2
Delta 9 - Hate Tank
Ec8or - Raving Hypospadie
Xylocaine - Mincedmeat
ID 00:47:45 HCM?
ID 00:50:15
ID 00:52:40 Well known
Noize Creator - Psychic Punk
Syndicate - The Psycho
Syndicate - Compton
Nukom - Raise Your Hands
F.U.H.D. - Serial Killers
ID 01:13:45
Bedlam -
27. Angel Flo / Armaguet Nad - Anthroporadiametrie - khsl001.⅔
Bedlam -
Three last tracks courtesy of DJ Raf via the uploaderEzechiele 25:17.

25. The House Fucker - Eardrums - BL013
26. KCMA & T-Plus - This Is The Past - Piss Drunk Records 001
33. Donatella Rettore - Kobra - SRIC 026

25. The House Fucker - Eardrums
26. KCMA & T-Plus - This Is The Past
33. Donatella Rettore - Kobra
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
Tracklist complete  :o big respect for knowing all these tracks  :worship: