Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Noisekick @ Dominator 2019 - Rally of Retribution


Submitted by: Hansolo @
Last edited by: JeffreyFCT @

Length: 01:02:02
Rated by: The_Sociopath HardT3K-Tic Sarge Hansolo

View as plain text


1. Paranoizer - What is Style
2. Doctor Terror - Extinction
3. ID (ID)
4. Noisekick vs Hellseeker & Doctor Terror - Nederlandse Terreur
5. ID (ID)
6. Paranoizer - Kick Some Ass
7. ID (ID (Military))
8. ID (ID)
9. ID (ID)
10. ID (ID (Fuck around lay around ho))
11. Micropoint - Armor Battle (Noisekick Remix)
12. Noisekick ft. Kraken - Fucking Bastards
13. Drokz, Akira & The I.E Vatos Locos - La Familia de Terror
14. Striker - Digging In The Crates
15. Noisekick - Just Killed Somebody
16. SRB - Base Ball Booster
17. ID (ID (Let's make it brutal))
18. Noisekick - Blow His Head Off
19. ID (ID)
20. Noisekick & Tripped - Just Stating
21. SRB - Big ass booster
22. Dissoactive - Renekick Paape
23. Noisekick - Reaching For The Sky
24. ID (ID)

BassDrops -
Make the tracklist!
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
Made the tracklist with a lot of search work at, but still have some ID's in it. It's not my kind of music.
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
On 20-03-2020 05:24:33, BassDrops wrote:

Make the tracklist!

Feel free to fill some IDs  :thumbsup: