Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Orzo @ Ligyrophobia 3

Tekno   Industrial Hardcore   Acid

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: VBR MP3
Length: 01:26:57

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Orzo - Ligyrophobia 3

Rated by: hardcorerepublic alexvdh
Favorited by: alexvdh

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1. Emel - Dead Air
2. HEISA & Stefan ZMK - Blood Moon Union
3. Hoax23 - Reckless Dimension
4. Odisoa - Night Visions
5. Yavo - Hidden Space
6. Pure Underground - Incorporated
7. Dexco - Discere Ambulare (Nepos)
8. Mono-Amine - Kibradrive
9. Emel - My Funky Ride
10. Sam.C - 303 Tekno Error
11. Shmirlap - Hurricane Warning
12. Dexco - Vade
13. Wanorde - Accelerate
14. Melly - The Storm
15. John Faustus - Ghost House
16. Melly - Trash Tekno
17. Emel - Trickster
18. 1NC1N - High Transmutation
19. Teknoizer - Probotter
20. Autistic Ghost - 00013A.G
21. Stak Etop - Kiiski
22. Infernal Noise & Quaver - Doomed To Die
23. The Bender - The Time Has Come
24. Kwet-Kwet - Z
25. Hellfish - Pandora's Front Smash Hole
26. Deathmachine - Paralysed By Fear
27. Disturbed Soul - Dark Time
28. Hypon De Venin - Rebus Ectoplasmique
29. Skirt - Beatless Collision