Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

4nzu @ #OHR2020 - Oshogatsu Matsuri

Hardtek   Other

Submitted by: hardcorerepublic @
Last edited by: hardcorerepublic @

Filetype: 320 kbit MP3
Length: 00:48:37

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4nzu - #OHR2020 - Oshogatsu Matsuri

Rated by: alexvdh Ownz

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  Opening (No ID)
1. Lady's Only - Plot Armor (Pencil's 感情 Remix)
2. Lady's Only - Plot Armor (4nzu 210 Do-Straight Style)
3. DJ Sharpnel - By Ur Side
4. DJ Shuffnel - 165.806 (DJ Tool)
5. DJ Sharpnel - W
6. DJ Shuffnel - Ready To Fly
7. Team Grimoire - 阿部寛の手汗
8. DJ Technorch - Boss On Parade (DJ Sharpnel Remix)
9. DJ Technorch - Boss On Parade
10. USAO - Unstable Shake
11. YURiKA - 鏡面の波 (Instrumental)
12. 4nzu - Dust
13. Loctek - Star Mine GirL
14. Loctek - IQ3
15. Loctek - IQ4
16. Loctek - IQ5
17. 4nzu - Reflash
18. Loctek - IQ4
19. 4nzu - Reflash
20. 4nzu - Everyone Is Here!
21. 4nzu - Nostalgia