Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Tatanka & Activator @ Defqon.1 2018 Magenta

Early Hardstyle   Hardstyle

Submitted by: JeffreyFCT @
Last edited by: SandStorm @

Length: 00:58:03
Rated by: AkiraDark95 Audioholik
Favorited by: Hansolo

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1. Bison meets the Quakers - I Got Tonight
2. Psyco Brothers - Chainsaw (Activator Remix)
3. Tatanka - Do You Know This One (Wings of the Dawn)
4. DJ Act vs Mani - Equensu Ocha
5. Tatarola - Who Is Calling?
6. Stefano Bonato - Hard & Dark (Activator Remix)
7. Tatanka - Tatanka Doesn't Like The Records That U Play
8. DJ Act - QT13 (Acti & Max Force Remix)
9. Tatarola ft. Da Rook Mc - Insane (Original Tatanka Mix)
10. Jones & Tommy V ‎ - Technotic (Activator Remix)

AkiraDark95 -
01. Bison meets The Quakers - I Got Tonight
02. Psyco Brothers - Chainsaw (Activator Remix)
03. Tatanka - Do You Know This One (Wings Of The Dawn)
04. DJ Act vs. Mani - Equensu Ocha
05. Tatarola - Who Is Calling
06. Stefano Bonato - Hard & Dark (Activator Remix)
07. Tatanka - Tatanka Doesn't Like The Records That U Play (Bootleg)
08. DJ Act - Qt13 (ACTI & Max Force Remix)
09. Tatarola ft. Da Rook MC - Insane (Original Tatanka Mix)
10. Jones & Tommy V ‎ - Technotic (Activator Remix)
Audioholik -
awesome tracklist!  :bomb: