Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Ghost In The Machine @ Verknipt ADE Special


Submitted by: MattiX @
Last edited by: MattiX @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 01:15:44
Rated by: MattiX Ownz hardcorerepublic TheDudeJustin skoman Elpeezy
Favorited by: skoman

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1. ID (00:00)
2. Ghost in the Machine - Material Grill
3. LOUISAHHH!!! - Feral Rhythm (Manni Dee Remix)
4. 14anger & Dep Affect - Eating Alpha Waves
  w/ Marshall Masters - Stereo Murder (The Rave Creator's Final Warning!)
5. [KRTM] - Soleil
6. ID (23:15)
7. Perc - 90s Hammer (Perc Remix)
8. Ghost in the Machine - Flaming Starfish
9. ID (30:30)
10. Ghost in the Machine - Fear Jerker
11. ID (36:05)
12. Helrad - Track 2.3 (JoeFarr Remix)
13. Chocolate Puma & Tommie Sunshine ft. MX2 - Tear This Mother Down (Ghost In The Machine Remix)
14. ID (47:30)
15. Ghost In The Machine - Fire Drill
16. Thanos Hana - No Good Cops
17. Ghost In The Machine - King Dead
18. Mickey Nox - Come Into The
19. ID (65:00)
20. ID (67:05)
21. Ghost in the Machine - Grills Gone Wild