Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Solicitorz @ Early Is My Style #28

Hardstyle   Early Hardstyle

Submitted by: Solicitorz @
Last edited by: Solicitorz @

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'Early Is My Style' #28

Livestream @

On 1st Saturday/monthly

Favorited by: Speurlok

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  Intro "EIMS"
1. Walt & Feliz - Endless
2. Cosmic Gate - Fire Wire (Hardstyle Remix)
3. Showtek - Seid Ihr Bereid
4. DJ Isaac - Go Insane
5. Luna - Now is the time
6. The Ultimate Seduction - The Ultimate Seduction 2004 (Dereks Hardstyle Mix)
7. Tatarola - Who Is Calling?
8. DJ Zany - Pure
9. Southstylers - Nok Joe Douwn
10. Dutch Master - Taste Me
11. D-Block & S-te-Fan vs. Coone - Creation Of Life
12. DJ Isaac - The Afterworld (Dub Mix)
13. Dozer - Relax
14. Noisecontrollers - Venom
15. DJ Activator - June
16. DJ Thera - A Little Touch (Of Oldskool)
17. DJ Thera - One Year 4 Years
18. The Masochist - Killing Scum (2005 Remix)