Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Loony @ Radio #3


Submitted by: Loony @

Filetype: 192 kbit MP3
Length: 01:05:41
Rated by: Nevio Nastee Legolas IceManPr0 SoundTrader Tanic OldschoolRaver Opperhoofd Canyonree SchizeQ Flugeltje [deleted user] Jatoch Dakpan Nois3controll3r Pithune Norac80 Timmeehh djdesudo Jeroeenn Damustrial View all ratings


01 D8r Zot - Only The Brave
02 Frontliner vs Arcadipane - Outside World 2009 (Outside Spacer Remix)
03 D-Block & S-te-Fan - Kingdom (Nevio Edit)
04 Wasted Penquinz - We Live For The Day (Original Mix)
05 Used & Abused - Explode (The Machine Remix)
06 Technoboy - 4 Days
07 Low-E - Fartin' Poserz
08 Dark Oscillators - Food For Woofers (Ivan Carsten Mix)
09 A-Drive - Your Life (Jones & B-Front Remix)
10 Phase 3 - Fine Day (Original)
11 R3zonance - Theory
12 D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Shallow Planet
13 Da Tweekaz - Club Whiplash

Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
On 14-07-2009 12:50:54, Flugeltje wrote:

i'm going to drink a thee with Oprah Winfrey, because she lives next to me.

and you're going to talk with her about that group who has over 9000 penises and raping children?  :w00t:

On 14-07-2009 12:51:58, Opperhoofd wrote:

On 14-07-2009 12:50:24, Pithune wrote:

- for

Frontliner vs Arcadipane - Outside World 2009 (Outside Spacer Remix)

Dat mag niet he! Dat deed ik ook, maar dan ben je de Sjaak!  :clown:


naja sws, vind ik de opzet van de set niet echt geweldig

de trackkeuze globaal is niet slecht
Abrikozenjam -
Iedereen is gek (behalve ik)!
On 14-07-2009 12:44:22, Flugeltje wrote:

Maybe Dokter phill of Oprah winfrey is a option for you  :thumbsup:

Let me go and see if there is some help out there, some professional help. You need professional help, hang on! Dochter Phil, Oprah! Somebody help me.  xD  :clown:
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
Nevio -
Norac80 -
Nice !
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
haha, not heard the braveheart breakdown in that before!

01 D8r Zot - Only The Brave

djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
03 D-Block & S-te-Fan - Kingdom (Nevio Edit)
04 Wasted Penquinz - We Live For The Day (Original Mix)
05 Used & Abused - Explode (The Machine Remix)
10 Phase 3 - Fine Day (Original
12 D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Shallow Planet