Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Cuyper @ Techno Podcast Oktober 2019

Techno   Acid   Hardtechno

Submitted by: Cuyper @

Length: 01:00:00
Rated by: Cuyper

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1. Lewis Fautzi - Eerie (Sleeparchive Remix)
2. A*S*Y*S & Dominik Schwarz - Dark Light
3. Hell Driver - P. N. R.
4. Spektre - Gates Of Dawn
5. KlangKuenstler - Dunkle Illusion
6. Obscure Shape & SHDW - Leiser Zorn
7. Thomas Schumacher - Embody
8. Kaiserdisco - Bipolar Disorder
9. David Temessi & Mr. A - The Seventh
10. Glaskin - Groundwork
11. Industrialyzer - Moonstone
12. Niereich & Shadym - The Opening Of Pandora's Box
13. Sean Tyas - Ambush (Reaky Remix)
14. Radio Slave - Another Club (Charlotte De Witte Remix)
15. Haw - Retro Game