Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Brad Winter @ Gabberz 4 Kurt Kore

Hardcore   Terror

Submitted by: BradWinter @

Length: 01:15:04

More info
Some of my faves from the last few years (finishing with some of our old faves) since Kurt fucked off to Oz to wear sunglasses at night in Melbourne's campest funky house night clubs.  ;)

Recorded Christmas Eve 2018.


Tha Playah - Clockwork - Neophyte
Jay Prescott & Riddler - R U On Drugs (Remix) - Cheese Graterz
Stormtrooper - Strike Dead - Industrial Strength
E-Noid - Power Source - DNA Tracks
Promo - Fading Away - Third Movement
Danny Firestone - Ice Cold Blood (Stormrage Remix) - Cenobit
Detest - Not Far - Smackdown
Hellfish - Techno City 2013 - Deathchant
Dolphin - Requiem For A Samurai - KomKoms
Kutski & Joey Riot - Listen Carefully - Free DL
Dolphin - Fresh Creps - PRSPCT
The DJ Producer - Out Of Control (Negative A Remix) - Third Movement
Hellfish - Destined For Destruction (Tugie Remix) - Deathchant
Dolphin - Those Were The Days - Deathchant
Dolphin - Serious Evil Shit Mission 5 - Deathchant
Dolphin & Hellfish - Run It Red - PRSPCT
Traffic - Charged - Motormouth
Detest - Motherfuckaaa (Okonomiyaki Frenzy Remix) - Super Bad Midi Breaks
Delta 9 - Control - Devil Times Nine
DJ Smurf - Fuck Me Geordie - Strike
Animal Intelligence - Another Object Of Rave - Hardline