Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Airwave @ LCD Sessions Episode 053

Progressive House

Submitted by: MattiX @

Filetype: 128 kbit MP3
Length: 02:00:00
Rated by: MattiX

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1. Eric Lune - Benji (Reprise)
2. Ritz - Troposphere
3. Abity - Alkima
4. Warung - Emosi
5. Moshic - We Walk Alone
6. Karim S ft. Lounasan - The Sunny Voices
7. Gisty - Circle 567
8. Fuenka - Odyssey
9. Paul Kardos - Downpour
10. Anartist - Belossia
11. Nico Parisi - Liberta
12. Simon Berry - Anaconda
13. Blufeld & DJ Fire - Nighted (Blufeld Mix)
14. Science & Reason - Return To Peter Street (Breaks Mix)
15. Ramin Helvet - Xayaluna (Bynomic Remix)
16. Nipocra - Kepler
17. Morttagua - Imentet
18. D.Jameson - Obsydian (Praveen Achary Remix)
19. Joonas Aleksi - Hohde
20. Carpathian Paths - The First Storm
21. Micke - Pulse (Voyager Remix)
22. Ken Desmend - Munich